October Community Events 2018

Photo: October Wisteria Adelaide Botanic Garden courtesy of C. McIntyre
29 Sept - 13 October
All Stitched Up - The Embroiderer's Guild of SA Exhibition
When: 10am - 4pm (Thurs until 9pm)
Where: 16 Hughes St Mile End, SA 5031
Cost: $5
Contact: Phone 08 8234 1104 or by email contact@embguildsa.org.au
7 - 13 October
Mental Health Week
In SA: Visit SAcommunity for a list of mental health services and learn about the Mental Health Coalition of South Australia
10 October
GovHack SA State Awards Night - Celebrate the winning teams
5.30pm - 9pm at North Adelaide Community Centre and Library, 176 Tynte St, North Adelaide SA 5006. Register via Hackerspace
11 October
Headspace Day
Visit Headspace Adelaide
15 October
International Day of Rural Women.
In SA: Visit Women in Agriculture & Business
18 October
The Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc. (ARAS) Abuse Prevention Program (APP) workshops:
Abuse Prevention ‘Train the Trainer’ Kit Training Session – Prevent Abuse of Older People through Education 9.30am - 12.30pm
Responding to Elder Abuse Workshop Session - What Service Providers should know 1 - 4.30pm
Where: ARAS, 16 Hutt St, Adelaide 5000
Who: Service providers and agencies responsible for recognising abuse of older people.
Register Online or contact: Rob Nankivell or Doris Gioffre on 8232 5377 or 1800 700 600 (country callers)
20 October
What: Begonia & Fern Spring Show 2018
Who: South Australian Begonia Society and Fern Society of South Australia
When: 10am - 3pm,
Where: Klemzig Community Hall, 242 North East Rd
Cost: Admission $2
Morning & afternoon tea available
20 - 21 October
What: Spring Show 2018
Who: South Australian Geranium & Pelargonium Society
When: 20th Oct 10am - 4pm, 21st Oct 10am - 3pm,
Where: Payneham Library Complex, Cnr OG Road & Turner St, Felixstow
Cost: Admission $3
Plant Sales, Display, Raffle, Devonshire Tea, Trading Table
Members available to answer questions, cash sales only (EFTPOS not available)
21 October
What: Meadows Country Fair
When: 9am - 4.30pm
Where: Meadows Football Oval, Mawson Rd, Meadows, SA 5201
21 October
What: Dozynki - Polish Harvest Festival
Find out more >>here: https://www.dozynki.com.au/
and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DozynkiAdelaide/
27 October
What: Drought Relief Concert
Who: Tumby Bay Show Boat
Profits donated to EPIC Charitable Trust to aid drought affected farmers on Eyre Peninsula
When: Matinee 1.30pm, Night Show 8pm
Where: Soldiers Memorial Hall, Tumby Bay
Tickets $20, School age children $5
Features: Guest Performers
Tumby Bay Lions Club BBQ at 12noon and 6.30pm
27 October
What: Prospect Spring Fair
When: 9am-3pm
Where: Broadview Oval, McInnes Avenue, Broadview 5083
27 & 28 October
Biennial Barossa Rose and Flower Show
When: Sat 12am - 5pm, Sun 10am - 4pm
Where: St Paul’s Church, Corner Murray St & Basedow Rd Tanunda, SA 5352
Fees: $5.00, Children 15 & under Free.
Light Lunch & Afternoon Tea available for purchase supplied by the St Paul’s Ladies Guild.
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