GovHack SA 2019: Adelaide Competition - Data Mentors Unite!

Data Mentors Unite!
GovHack Mentors 2019 (Back L - R)
Bhavya Chauhan (Data Science Mentor), Kristy Kokegei (History Trust), Courtney Cummings (EPA), Catherine McIntyre (SAcommunity - Connecting Up Inc.), Chris Rawlinson (DPTI), Purnima Krishnan (EPA), Amanda Chenoweth (EPA), Mikaela Lawrence (CSIRO), (Front) Andrew Pfeiffer (Data Science Mentor)
GovHack Mentors gathered at the University of Adelaide campus to assist onsite and offsite competitors (through GovHack Slack) with their questions, challenges and innovative ideas to support GovHack teams with their projects to make life better through open data.
Present at the Friday night launch event and Saturday morning competition day, the time also allowed mentors themselves an opportunity to meet each other and find out more about their respective datasets used across government departments in SA, form new networks and further discuss topics they hoped the competition might address through innovative data re-use.
Why we are Involved
Connecting Up Inc. is committed to open data, sharing SAcommunity data for innovative re-use and public benefit through GovHack, with SAcommunity staff continuing to be involved every year as data mentors to support the competition.
Local SA challenges this year included:
Showcasing our Regions:
How might we promote South Australian regions to boost regional development?
"South Australia’s regions and the communities that live and work in them are vital for the future prosperity of the state, and we want to make sure these communities continue to grow and thrive, with the South Australian government preparing a Regional Development Strategy as a plan to recharge our regions" >>here
Team M1 and their project Blue Lake Mountain Bike Trails - promoting mountain biking in and around Mount Gambier and linking to local trails and mountain bike communities via the information on SAcommunity. Video here:
ditor note: GovHack 2019 Winners results are in and the group received an honourable mention in the 'Showcasing our regions' Award sponsored by the Department of Premier and Cabinet South Australia.Sign up for the newsletter!
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