My Volunteer Experience - Ziqi Xu

Welcome Ziqi!
Ziqi Xu joined our Data Analytics Team on the 25 July 2022, a PhD candidate at the University of South Australia (UniSA) majoring in Computer Science, he volunteered alongside our interns to gain more real-world experience, and hands-on practice with Power BI and Canva.
Total Hours 69 Joined 25 July 2022 Last Check-in 14 November 2022 (Retired)
Volunteer Ziqi Xu with Pankaj Chhalotre, Head of Connecting Up and Volunteer Stathis Avramis
Data Analytics Team
Ziqi has been assisting in creating data analytics reports for Councils and he has been working closely with volunteer Stathis Avramis. Together they have been looking at assisting with some of the steps and coding required to improve report generation, and in particular at utilising more of the data and statistics available to create more extensive data presentations of community services across South Australia, in particular looking at a geolocation program.
Ziqi met with his mentor Rob Kalka, Business Development Manager, Connecting Up on the 10 August 2022.
Mentor Meetings
Mentor meetings with staff provide an opportunity for mentees to gain professional development advice and guidance, to discuss education and career possibilities as well as gather insights into pathways and connections.
One of our staff mentors is Connecting Up's Business Development Manager Rob Kalka, who is passionate about building the capability of not-for-profits through technology. Through business partnerships with over 40 tech vendors, he has contributed to almost a billion dollars in IT savings for the NFP sector. Rob Kalka has been regularly mentoring our SAcommunity volunteers over the last 5 years, generously sharing his extensive business management experience in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. In particular, with sessions on general management, business development, data analysis, marketing and inventory management.
Ziqi had the opportunity to meet with Rob Kalka, Business Development Manager, Connecting Up, to discuss his career goals and seek suggestions on how he can leverage his academic studies in data analytics. Ziqi was particularly interested in data analytics application and work options outside of universities.
Rob outlined the role of data analytics in a range of industries and job functions. He emphasised the importance of understanding management responsibilities, and how business performance data influences strategic and operational decisions. They discussed transitioning to employment in industry from university via university-managed consultancy businesses. Commercial management consultancies were also highlighted as employers of data analysts, as well as medium to large companies and not-for-profits.
Ziqi found many takeaways of benefit in his mentor session including the importance of self-motivation, positivity and ongoing skills development and taking a client-first approach when problem solving with data.
Intern JD, Volunteer Ziqi Xu and Intern Julia Koh
Training and Development
Ziqi has had the opportunity to understand more about data analytics in the not-for-profit sector, and was provided with access to the Connecting Up Digital Learning platform, a training and development online learning platform with a selection of relevant live webinars and recorded webinars, workshops and webcons from a range of subject-matter experts who also have a deep experience with not-for-profits.
Relevant webinars, workshops and webcons he has undertaken have included:
Upgrading your digital marketing with Google Analytics 4 - Ryan Jones from Refuel Creative
Editor's note: Ziqi recently returned for a visit on Wednesday 22 February 2023 for a meeting with Xavier Goldie, IX's Senior Data Analyst. It was great to see him again, find out about his recent tutoring experiences, and for him to meet up with the Data Analytics Team to discuss their current project together.
Great to see you Ziqi!
Thank you and Farewell
Volunteering is flexible with ~4 hours a week minimum (or more for those interested), and Ziqi completed nearly 70 hours with SAcommunity over 2022, assisting our program around the demands of his study. We are pleased to announce he is now a tutor for a course under the Bachelor of Data Analytics at his University, celebrating his last official day with us on 14 November 2022. Fortunately we've kept in touch in the 2023 new year and glad to hear that Ziqi is happy to introduce his volunteer experience to others.
Congratulations Ziqi!
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