
National Volunteer Week 17-23 May 2021: Our Volunteers 1

Photo: (L-R Top Row) Volunteers Lynn Huang, Cheryl, David Webb, (Bottom Row) Rex Porter, Samantha Agius and Stathis Avramis. Not pictured Flavia and Malcolm.

Introducing 'some' of our fantastic Wednesday Volunteer Team
Connecting Up would like to introduce and thank our wonderful volunteers who work to provide information and services to communities, organisations and councils across the state.

Farewell Volunteer Cheryl

This month of May, our wonderful, long-serving volunteer, Cheryl, announced to the team at Connecting Up that she would be retiring from voluntary work.

My Volunteer Experience - Samantha Whillas

This National Volunteer Week 17 - 23 May 2021, Connecting Up would like to thank our wonderful volunteers working across a number of roles, keeping the SAcommunity database updated, performing data analysis for coucils and highlight community organisations by writing articles for SAcommunity eNews. 

National Volunteer Week 17-23 May 2021: Volunteer Experience Series

2021 National Volunteer Week 17-23 May

Celebrate our 2020 Volunteers

A short celebration of our 2020 Volunteers on the Zoom journey

Learning Everyday - Niru's Volunteer Experience

Photo: Nirupama Amarakoon working remotely on an infographic for Mt Barker Council

A few weeks ago we bid farewell to our Connecting Up Inc. volunteer Niru. Niru volunteered with us for 144 hours from 13 September 2019 - 9 September 2020 and we are excited to report has moved into full time paid work - Congratulations Niru! We called this article 'Learning Everyday' because one of Niru's many great traits is a dedication to learning about and sharing new tech tools and training concepts with us and we asked Niru in her exit interview if she had any thoughts to share with the other volunteers.

SAcommunity, Councils, Statistics, Volunteers and Power BI

Volunteer Stathis Avramis with an example of SAcommunity statistics generated for councils

Stathis has been utilising Power BI to present and display SAcommunity statistics based on website traffic, service visits and categories of services for councils. The data can assist with decision-making and consultation with needed community groups in the area.

The SAcommunity Statistics page for councils can be found >>here 

Please let us know if your council is interested in these statistics as an aid to community engagement.

National Volunteer Week 2020: 18 - 24 May Our Volunteers 4

Photo: Cheryl Heitman, Erin, Sophie Hood, Nirupama Amarakoon, Farhana Razeen, offsite volunteer Brooke Lloyd (not pictured) 

The aim of Connecting Up's Volunteer Program is to support SAcommunity whilst simultaneously allowing our volunteers to see more clearly the skills they have and that they bring to us, by having a platform and forum where they can express their ideas for the service and demonstrate their talents together in a supportive team environment.

Our volunteers proactively use their abilities and those they learn from each other and share with us to support their local community in a meaningful way through the directory service.

National Volunteer Week 18 - 24 May 2020: Volunteers in Action

Connecting Up has collated several photos of volunteers to highlight 'a day in the life' of our volunteers and look at the activities the team participate in.

Particularly with regards to skill-building with many of the photos of volunteers engaged in Telephone Techniques Training to practice talking with presidents, vice-presidents and secretaries of numerous community services over the phone. Each volunteer takes on the role of either the service or interviewer to ask questions in order to update service listings and information. Our more seasoned volunteers are paired with new volunteers to improve or build on those customer service skills needed for volunteering and also for future careers. 

National Volunteer Week 2020: 18 - 24 May Our Volunteers 3

Photo: Cheryl Heitman, Alexander Bull, David Webb, Flavia, Daniela Atanasova

Connecting Up Volunteers Wednesday Group
Every day, each volunteer group brings new and familiar faces, experiences, skills and backgrounds and new connections.

Many of the volunteers that join us on Wednesday are our long-term regular volunteers and it's with the help of our experienced SAcommunity team members that we are able to continue to induct, train and support new volunteers as well as maintain the directory, call and interview community services. We are only able to run our volunteer program because of their steadfast contribution to the whole team.  Thank you. 


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