City of Playford

My Volunteer Experience - Alice Jingyi Zeng

Welcome Alice!
Alice Jingyi Zeng joined our Data Analytics Team as a volunteer, whilst she studies her Masters at Adelaide University, beginning with the team this year on the 26 July 2023.
She attends for ~4 hours a week onsite at the Connecting Up Office joining several of her other classmates from similar disciplines who are also volunteering in the SAcommunity program.

NaNoWriMo Library Events! November 2022

Whether you are regular wordsmith, or have been toying with story idea in your head for a while, NaNoWriMo can help bring your novel to life!
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, setting pens to paper (or fingers to keyboards), as writers globally embark on the challenge of writing 50,000 words of their novel throughout the month of November.
Creative writing can have many benefits including building your language skills through extending your vocabulary and understanding of grammar, increased confidence and ability to self-express, and finally, giving you the ability to think outside the box!

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