Browse the directory using the A-Z index of services - select the service that you want, then the organisations that provide the service will be displayed
- Advanced Early Learning Centre
- AEIOU Early Learning Child Care
- Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority
- Berri Regional Child Care Centre Inc.
- Blackfriars Priory School Early Learning Centre
- Busy Bees at Gilles Plains
- Busy Bees at Kilburn
- Busy Bees at Noarlunga Downs
- Busy Bees at Smithfield Plains
- Christies Beach Early Learning Centre
- City Community Children's Centre
- Colonel Light Gardens World of Learning
- Creative Garden Early Learning Centre North Lakes
- Cummins Preschool & Rural Care
- Eden Academy Newton Childcare Centre
- Edge Early Learning Aldinga Beach - Rowley Rd
- Edge Early Learning Port Augusta
- Edge Early Learning Port Pirie
- Emali Early Learning Centre - Broadview
- Faith Montessori Centre
- Felixstow World of Learning
- First Steps @ Albert Park
- Golden Grove World of Learning
- Goodstart Early Learning Aberfoyle Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Angle Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Bedford Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Belair
- Goodstart Early Learning Blackwood
- Goodstart Early Learning Blair Athol
- Goodstart Early Learning Blakeview
- Goodstart Early Learning Brighton - Brighton Road
- Goodstart Early Learning Campbelltown
- Goodstart Early Learning Clapham
- Goodstart Early Learning Clearview
- Goodstart Early Learning Clovelly Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Cowandilla
- Goodstart Early Learning Elizabeth Vale
- Goodstart Early Learning Evanston Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Gawler South
- Goodstart Early Learning Glenelg
- Goodstart Early Learning Hope Valley
- Goodstart Early Learning Ingle Farm - Roopena Street
- Goodstart Early Learning Linden Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Magill Penfold Road
- Goodstart Early Learning Marleston
- Goodstart Early Learning Mawson Lakes - Avocet Drive
- Goodstart Early Learning Mawson Lakes - Elder Drive
- Goodstart Early Learning Melrose Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Mount Gambier
- Goodstart Early Learning Nuriootpa
- Goodstart Early Learning Oakbank
- Goodstart Early Learning Old Reynella
- Goodstart Early Learning Onkaparinga Rise
- Goodstart Early Learning Parafield Gardens
- Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie - Byron Bay Drive
- Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie - Yalumba Drive
- Goodstart Early Learning Payneham
- Goodstart Early Learning Penfield
- Goodstart Early Learning Plympton
- Goodstart Early Learning Pooraka
- Goodstart Early Learning Port Road - Cheltenham
- Goodstart Early Learning Prospect
- Goodstart Early Learning Salisbury North
- Goodstart Early Learning Seaford Rise
- Goodstart Early Learning Semaphore Park
- Goodstart Early Learning Semaphore South
- Goodstart Early Learning Sheidow Park - Hutt Close
- Goodstart Early Learning Sheidow Park - Young Street
- Goodstart Early Learning Smithfield
- Goodstart Early Learning Underdale
- Goodstart Early Learning Whyalla
- Greenwith Child Care Centre & Kindergarten
- Grey Ward Children's Centre
- Guardian Childcare & Education - Export Park
- Guardian Childcare & Education - Grange
- Guardian Childcare & Education - Seacombe Gardens
- Guardian Childcare & Education Daw Park
- Guardian Childcare & Education Paradise
- Guardian Childcare & Education St Clair
- Hearts & Minds Early Learning Christies Beach
- Ignatius' Early Years
- John Hartley School
- Keithcot Farm Children's Centre for Early Childhood Development & Parenting
- King's Early Learners
- Li'l Sprouts Early Learning Centre
- Little Shining Stars Child Care Centre Wayville
- Little Shining Stars Early Learning Centre Klemzig
- Littlehampton Early Learning Centre
- Minya Bunhii Child Care & Kindergarten
- Modbury Community Children's Centre
- Montessori House Fulham Gardens Centre
- Montessori House Morphettville Centre
- Montessori House Newton Centre
- Mount Gambier Child Care Centre Inc.
- Murray Bridge Community Children's Centre Inc.
- Murray Bridge World of Learning
- Nido Early School Blakeview
- Nido Early School Golden Grove
- Nido Early School Kensington Park
- Nido Early School Noarlunga Downs
- Nido Early School Pennington
- Nido Early School Salisbury Downs
- Nido Early School Somerton Park
- Noarlunga Community Children's Centre - Windsong Court Campus
- Noarlunga Community Children's Centres - Alexander Kelly Drive
- Northgate Child Care Centre & Kindergarten
- Parkside Community Child Care Centre
- Precious Cargo - Head Office
- Precious Cargo Blackwood
- Precious Cargo Collinswood
- Precious Cargo Lockleys
- Precious Cargo Marion
- Precious Cargo Montessori Child Care & Early Learning Centre - Myrtle Bank
- Precious Cargo Montessori Child Care & Early Learning Centre - St Peters
- Precious Cargo Welland
- Precious Cargo Westbourne Park
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Community Child Care Centre
- Ranges Early Learning & Care Centre - Stirling
- St Peter's Girls' Early Learners' Centre
- Starting Blocks
- Surrey Downs Community Children's Centre Inc.
- TAFE SA Tea Tree Gully Campus Child Care
- Taikurrendi Children and Family Centre
- Tea Tree Gully Childcare Centre
- Victor Harbor World of Learning
- Westminster School Early Learning Centre
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