June Community Events 2020

Photo: Adelaide Parklands courtesy of J McIntyre
1 - 30 June 2020
What: SA Water's 2020 Community Partnerships Program
Up to $10,000 in funding or in-kind support for local community groups
Who: SA Water
How: To apply visit sawater.com.au
Closes: 30 June 2020
1 June 2020 (Step 2 easing of Covid-19 restrictions in SA)
What: SA Sports Vouchers Program
Who: Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
How: available for download on the Sports Voucher website
Check if your club is registered using the Sports Vouchers website’s ‘Find a Provider’ tool
Author: Volunteer Samantha Whillas
9 June 2020
What: Heritage Snaps 2020 Photographic competition
Who: Department for Environment and Water
How: Find out more >> https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/heritage/heritage-photo-competitions/snaps-competition-2020
Closes: Friday 30 October 2020
12 June 2020
What: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Online Forum
Who: Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc. (ARAS)
When: 10am - 11.30am, Friday 12 June 2020
How: Register through EventBrite >>here
18 June 2020
What: Vinnies CEO SleepOut
Who: St Vincent De Paul
Why: Vinnies fundraiser to provide essential services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
How: Donate >>here https://www.ceosleepout.org.au/
Spotlight on community services
Our volunteers have reached out to community services to find out how they are operating under Covid-19
What: Aldinga Beach B - 7 School connects virtually with isolated retirement communities
How: Schoolchildren utilised Zoom video communication technology to chat with care home residents
Author: Volunteer Audrey Menz
What: Spreading Winter Warmth - Providing Comfort through Craft
How: Craft and Knitting organisations who donate goods to those who need them most
Author: Volunteer Brooke Lloyd
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