City of Unley

January Community Events 2019

Photo: Glenelg Beach January 2019, courtesy of C. McIntyre

1 January

New Years Day (SafeWork SA)
12 – 13  January
Semaphore Greek Festival at the Esplanade, Semaphore.
A celebration of Greek community culture.

10 - 20 January
Santos Tour Down Under cycling events and festivals.

Unley Gardeners' Plant Rescue 2018

Unley Gardeners' Plant Rescue
Unley Gardeners Plant Rescue is a dedicated group of women who have been together since February 2003.

What do you do?
Our main aim is to collect unwanted plants from people who are changing or downsizing their gardens, moving house, or sadly are having to move from their much loved home and garden into residential care.

Parkinson's in the Park

Parkinson's in the Park, a family fun day
hosted by Parkinson's SA
on Sunday 8th April from 10am - 3pm
at the Soldiers Memorial Gardens, Unley


Parkinson’s South Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that has provided support and information to people living with Parkinson’s and other related movement disorders, their carer’s, family, community and health professionals for over 30 years.


Go swimmingly!

Spring is here - the outdoor pools are opening

Warmer days are here already! For those who are anticipating the start of the swimming season, here are the opening dates for municipal swimming pools in and around Adelaide:

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