What are the benefits for volunteers and interns? What's in it for me?
What are the benefits for volunteers and interns? What's in it for me?
Our volunteers and interns have a number of opportunities available to them and can access and redeem a number of benefits as their volunteer journey progresses.
Volunteer and Intern Skills Development
Our Volunteers and interns have the opportunity to practice and build on their existing skillsets and we have identified some of the tasks and transferable skills, core compencies and technology tools as reflected in the Australian Skills Classification (ASC) >>here Volunteer Skills
Volunteer and Intern Professional Development
SAcommunity provides our volunteers and interns with access to Connecting Up's Digital Learning Platform for upcoming selected and relevant technology/NFP-based training webinars (outside IT Strategy on a Plate workshops) and past webinars from experts across Australia to improve their professional development.
Photo Rob Kalka, Business Development Manager with volunteer Ziqi Xu
Volunteer Mentor Support
SAcommunity has a mentoring program for our interns and established volunteers, where Infoxchange staff take on a mentor role to support and assist interns and volunteers to achieve their goals and build networks and stronger links with staff as valued members of our organisation. >>Volunteer Mentor Program
Volunteer Low-Cost Hardware
SAcommunity provides our established volunteers with access to purchase low-cost hardware products, available for personal purchase by NFP staff as part of being a member of our not-for-profit social enterprise.
>>Products available for personal purchase by NFP Staff here<<
Volunteer Hang Zhang with his Google donated gift at International Volunteer Day
Volunteer Recognition
Our volunteers are valued within our organisation.
SAcommunity celebrates key volunteer recognition dates with our established volunteers.
Our annual celebratory events include a shared lunch, small gift and certificates of service appreciation at the:
National Volunteer Week in May and
International Volunteer Day (IVD) 5 December

Volunteer and Interns Record of Service
Our volunteers and interns are able to track and record their hours, training units and progress using Volunteer Management Software Better Impact. Volunteer hours are confirmed by Infoxchange staff with volunteers able to access and export reports of their hourly contribution to the organisation through their account. Verifying their time spent with us as evidence for university or tafe course needs, future employers, as part of Centrelink mutual obligation requirements or to simply to know how much they have helped us.
Together our volunteers and interns have contributed many hours to the SAcommunity Service recorded publicly on our Volunteer Statistics pages, and we thank everyone for the time and energy they have devoted to our organisation and their community, as they in turn, gain valuable office skills, experience and contribute to their community.

Volunteer Rewards
Infoxchange is a member of Volunteering SA&NT who provide services, support and resources for volunteers. Volunteers can register and login to the Volunteering SA&NT WeDo App to redeem rewards from businesses who support volunteering, with 10 points allocated per volunteering shift (4 hours) towards redeeming rewards which include taxi vouchers, free coffees and movie tickets.
This app allows volunteers to both register for volunteering opportunities, and to log and confirm their hours from multiple volunteer-involving organisations they may contribute their time towards.
Infoxchange and our commitment to volunteer involvement
Infoxchange is a not-for-profit social enterprise, with Connecting Up and SAcommunity as a service, and fulfills volunteer involving organisation requirements. It has volunteer insurance, public liability insurance, is Centrelink approved for Mutual Obligation Requirements and is a member of Volunteering SA&NT, the peak state body for volunteering and volunteer involving organisations in South Australia.
The Volunteer Coordinator has over 18 years in the Library and Information service and 15 years Volunteer Management experience, has undertaken Volunteer Manager training units, attends Central Volunteer Manager’s Network Meetings for managers of volunteers and volunteer programs within Adelaide available through Volunteering SA & NT, and has received training and resources towards implementing the Volunteering Australia National Standards for Volunteer Involvement.
In support of effective volunteer management, the program utilises best practice resources from The Volunteering Resource Hub, an initiative of Volunteering Australia.
Our volunteering program and vocational placements meet the requirements of the Fair Work Act Find out more on unpaid work, student placements and volunteering from the Fair Work Ombudsman.
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