
SA Maritime Museum School Holiday Events - April 2023

When: School Holidays
1. Creature Quest Lego Trail: 7 - 30 April 2023 from 10am to 5pm
2. Gooroo Animation Workshop - LEGO® Animation: 27 - 29 April 2023 at 11am, 12pm, 1pm & 2pm

Tiati Wangkanthi Kumangka Truth-Telling Together Exhibition

What: Tiati Wangkanthi Kumangka (Truth-Telling Together)
City of Holdfast Bay
Open 10am to 2pm daily
Cost: Gold coin donation.
Glenelg’s Bay Discovery Centre, Moseley Square, Glenelg

Truth-Telling exhibition wins prestigious national award

South Australia's History Festival 2017

Grab a program for South Australia's History Festival and schedule your entire month of May!


Have you ever wanted to see inside Glenside Hospital’s infamous Z Ward? Or get underground, in the Treasury tunnels? Or do you want to know about the poet who never lived, or the notorious body in the freezer? Get excited and get curious about history in South Australia with the History Festival which runs from 1 to 31 May 2017.


There’s everything you’d expect, and a whole lot more! 


Museums & the Southern Fleurieu Historical Museum

There are many museums taking care of collection materials across South Australia and at SAcommunity we had an opportunity to talk to volunteers from the Southern Fleurieu Historical Museum and discuss connections and resources that would be useful for them or other community groups with heritage collections.


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