City of Holdfast Bay

My Volunteer Experience - Daisy Fangqiang Shan

Welcome Daisy!
Daisy Fangqiang Shan joined our Data Analytics Team as a volunteer, whilst she studies her Masters at University beginning with the team this year on the 20 September 2023.
She attends for ~4 hours a week onsite at the Connecting Up Office joining several of her other classmates in the SAcommunity program: Thiya Shiye Jin and Alice Jinye Zeng.

Total Hours 62.5 This Year 20.5 Joined 20 September 2023 Last Check-in 25 June 2024 

Walking Soccer with ACH - Everybody's Game

What: ACH Walking Soccer (football)

Who: ACH 

When: Every Wednesday 10am - 11.30am

Where: Glenelg Football Club, Brighton Road, Glenelg


Are you looking for a low-impact, modified version of soccer? Something suitable for all levels of ability and supportive of people who are living with Neurological conditions? Walking soccer could be just the thing.

Fork on the Road food truck event to spice up Seacliff - 5 November 2022

What: Fork on the Road
City of Holdfast Bay
Saturday 5th November 2022 from 12pm-8pm 

Tiati Wangkanthi Kumangka Truth-Telling Together Exhibition

What: Tiati Wangkanthi Kumangka (Truth-Telling Together)
City of Holdfast Bay
Open 10am to 2pm daily
Cost: Gold coin donation.
Glenelg’s Bay Discovery Centre, Moseley Square, Glenelg

Truth-Telling exhibition wins prestigious national award

Live Music Back at the Bay - Free music festival, Glenelg, 17-18 October 2020

What: The Local - a free music festival featuring local and emerging artists
When: 1pm - 7pm Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 October 2020
Where: Moseley Square, Glenelg 5045
(Under the marquee at Moseley Square, off Jetty Rd and before the beach)
How: Just turn up, swing by and listen 

A brand-new free music event supporting local and emerging musicians and artists kicks off this weekend at Glenelg’s Moseley Square. 

Adelaide Fringe Art Exhibit Comes to the Bay

Please note "in a precautionary measure that considers the current public health situation, we are temporarily closing the Bay Discovery Centre, Gallery & Museum effective from Tuesday 17 March until 13 April 2020."

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