SAcommunity Volunteers & Interns

My Volunteer Experience - Samantha Agius

Photo: Samantha Agius SAcommunity Team Member volunteering remotely

Thank you Samantha!

SAcommunity wanted to highlight our affection for 'the old guard' our experienced and established SAcommunity veterans. People who make up our core team, return regularly each week to volunteer and keep the service running. They assist in decision-making, idea development and implementation, check and create processes, and critically, help our new volunteers and interns find their feet. We felt we were more than overdue to introduce, acknowledge and thank some of our team members. 

My Volunteer Experience - Stathis Avramis

Photo: Volunteer Stathis Avramis working in the SAcommunity Team at Connecting Up, a service of Infoxchange

Our Volunteer Stathis
Stathis Avramis has volunteered with us since 2 March 2018, bringing with him his extensive qualifications and background in a variety of fields. He has a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Politics, before studying Library and Information Management and then Computing and Information Technology. He has worked in a number of roles including in a bookshop and in a range of work related to computers, IT support and websites. 

My Volunteer Experience Edward Windsor

Photo: Edward Windsor volunteering remotely, working on SAcommunity email updates

SAcommunity wanted to highlight our affection for 'the old guard', our experienced and established SAcommunity veterans. People who make up our core team, and return each week to volunteer and keep the service running. They assist us in decision-making, idea development and implementation, check and create processes, and critically, help our new volunteers and interns find their feet at our organisation and in a new office environment. We felt we were more than overdue to introduce, acknowledge and thank some of our team members. 

My Volunteer Experience - Ziqi Xu

Welcome Ziqi!

Ziqi Xu joined our Data Analytics Team on the 25 July 2022, a PhD candidate at the University of South Australia (UniSA) majoring in Computer Science, he volunteered alongside our interns to gain more real-world experience, and hands-on practice with Power BI and Canva.

Total Hours 69 Joined 25 July 2022 Last Check-in 14 November 2022 (Retired)

Adelaide University Internships - Cecilia Mao

Welcome Cecilia!
Cecilia Mao joined our Media and Communications Team for her Adelaide University Undergraduate Professions Internship on July 25 for Semester 2, 2022 - 28 September 2022. 

Cecilia completed a 150 hour internship remotely and onsite at the Connecting Up office, initiallly 15 hours a week over 3 days with (5 hours remotely on Tuesdays), two days onsite and/or remote at 6.5 hours and 3.5 hours around classes (flexible). A portfolio link to blogs posted by Cecilia is here>>

Adelaide University Internships - Taylor Alland

Welcome Taylor!

Taylor Alland joined our Media and Communications Team for his Adelaide University Arts, Business, Law, and Economics Internship for Media on the 25 July for Semester 2, 2022 - 6 September 2022.

Total Hours 100 Joined 25 July 2022 Last Check-in 6 September 2022 (Completed)

Adelaide University Internships - Julia Koh

Welcome Julia!
Julia Koh joined the SAcommunity Data Analytics Team at Connecting Up for her Adelaide University ECMS (Engineering Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Sciences) Internship for Mathematical Sciences on the 25 July for Semester 2, 2022 - 28 September 2022.

Julia completed a 150 hour internship onsite in SAcommunity at the Connecting Up Office, a part of Infoxchange for 15 hours a week for 10 weeks over 3 days around her university classes: (4 hours, 7.5 hrs 2.5 hrs onsite and 1 hour remotely each week). 

My Internship and Volunteer Experience - Renu Bala

Renu Bala, former volunteer, now employed at our Infoxchange head office in Melbourne

Connecting Up is pleased to announce that our former volunteer Renu Bala has now started her full-time career with our parent body Infoxchange as a Junior Implementation Consultant on the 23 March 2022. Knowing her journey as a graduate to intern to volunteer to employment was one likely traversed by many other students she wanted to share her experiences with our other volunteers.    

SAcommunity Customer Service Team

Photo: Flinders University Student and SAcommunity Volunteer Samantha Whillas now working at Connecting Up

SAcommunity Customer Service Team: Finding, Contacting and Connecting with South Australian Community Services 

Need real world experience?
Want to practice or apply your current skills or education?
Have experience and want to stay current while giving back to community?
Looking for like-minded connections?
Volunteering in a not-for-profit might help - try ours!

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