Media & Communication Team

My Volunteer Experience -Hazel Hui Tao

Welcome Hui Tao!

Hui Tao joined our SAcommunity Data Analytics Team as a volunteer, beginning with the team this year on the 14 August 2024. Hui has recently expressed an interest to maintain her skills in marketing, and she will join the SAcommunity Media & Communications Team in 2025.

My Volunteer Experience - Chris Baldwin

Welcome Chris!
Chris Baldwin joined our SAcommunity Information Team as a volunteer, beginning with the team this year on the 13 September 2023. He is a recently retired senior Naval Officer who has served in the Royal Australian Navy for 45 years.
He attends for ~4 hours a week onsite at the Connecting Up Office, joining several of our team members in the SAcommunity program with extensive work/life experience: Rex Porter, Flavia, David Webb, Malcolm and Stathis Avramis.

UniSA Internships Experience - Nada Soldo

Welcome Nada!
Nada Soldo joined the Media and Communication Team for her internship course, a part of her Bachelor of Communication and Media at The University of South Australia. Starting on the 28th of March 2023 and finishing on the 6th of June 2023.

Nada will complete 80 onsite hours for her internship in the SAcommunity service at the Connecting Up office a division of Infoxchange, completing between 5 and 12 hours per week. Nada’s SAcommunity portfolio of her published articles can be found >> here.

Adelaide University Internships - Gilianne Restor

Adelaide University Internships - Nicole Cheng

Welcome Nicole!
Nicole Cheng joined our Media and Communications Team for her Adelaide University Media Industry Transitions Internship for Semester 1, 24 March 2023 - 19 May 2023.

She completed a 100-hour internship onsite at the Connecting Up Office, 22.5 hours a week for about 8 weeks around her university classes: (2 - 3 days x 7.5 hours each week to complete her internship). Nicole Cheng's Portfolio of media articles written for the SAcommunity service is >>here.

Adelaide University Internships - Rhea Rao

Welcome Rhea!
Rhea Rao joined our Media and Communications Team as part of her internship course, Media Industry Transitions at the University of Adelaide for Semester 2, 2023 21 March 2023 - 10 May 2023.
She is completing a 100-hour internship onsite at the Connecting Up Office, 22.5 hours a week for about 8 weeks around her university classes: (7.5 hours/ 3 hours, 7.5 hours, 7.5 hours each week to complete her internship). Rhea Rao's Portfolio of articles for the SAcommunity Team is >>here.

Adelaide University Internships - Cecilia Mao

Welcome Cecilia!
Cecilia Mao joined our Media and Communications Team for her Adelaide University Undergraduate Professions Internship on July 25 for Semester 2, 2022 - 28 September 2022. 

Cecilia completed a 150 hour internship remotely and onsite at the Connecting Up office, initiallly 15 hours a week over 3 days with (5 hours remotely on Tuesdays), two days onsite and/or remote at 6.5 hours and 3.5 hours around classes (flexible). A portfolio link to blogs posted by Cecilia is here>>

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