What Volunteer Roles and Opportunities are Available?
Intern Millicent Jesslyn Danli, Volunteer Ziqi Xu and Intern Julia Koh in the Data Analytics Team
Our Volunteer Role at SAcommunity
All our volunteers are Volunteer Information Officers ~ Community Information Team, SAcommunity.
Volunteers can then operate within and across various specialised teams to match their skillsets and interests (below). Their role and team projects provide opportunities to form professional connections and networks with other volunteers within our organisation and Infoxchange staff through mentorship.
Harsh Bhatt, Mostafa Didar Mahdi, Violet Zewei You, Stathis Avramis, Kane Hengchuan Zhao, Yi Han
Volunteer Information Officer - Job Description
Find out more about the role >>here: Volunteer Information Officer - position description
Opportunities to join Specialised Teams
Volunteers are known as Volunteer and then their Team
Volunteer ~ Customer Service Team, SAcommunity
Volunteer ~ Information Management Team, SAcommunity
Volunteer ~ Data Analytics Team, SAcommunity
Volunteer ~ Media & Communications Team, SAcommunity
Volunteer ~ Visual Design Team, SAcommunity
Volunteer ~ Volunteer Capacity Building Team, SAcommunity
Volunteer ~ Grants & Partnerships Team, SAcommunity
Interns are known under their internship title as outlined by their university contract or by their team as:
Intern ~ Data Analytics Team, SAcommunity
Intern ~ Media & Communications Team, SAcommunity
Intern ~ Information Management Team, SAcommunity
What tasks, skills, core competencies and technology tools will we develop or use?
Find out more under Volunteer and Intern Skills
Opportunities for extra-activities
SAcommunity contributes to GovHack each year and established Volunteers have an opportunity to attend GovHack, the annual open data hackathon as Data Mentors, to assist in promoting the SAcommunity dataset and in supporting the competition events as part of SAcommunity's commitment to open data
GovHack Connections (pre-competition) night in August and/or
GovHack Competition Weekend (Fri 6pm - 9pm; and/or Sat 9am - 12pm) in August and/or
GovHack Regional Awards in September to help celebrate the winners
Find out more about GovHack>>here
Opportunities to Work with us
Volunteering and internships are not pathways into, or guarantees of future employment with our organisation. Unpaid volunteer and internship roles are designated, supervised, trained and supported with benefit to the community and the volunteer, and are significantly different to paid staff roles.
Infoxchange does look for passionate and talented people to join our team and work with us and we welcome our volunteers and interns to apply for relevant paid staff roles as they are advertised.
We work in both Australia and New Zealand and our main offices are in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Christchurch.
Find out more from our former volunteers and interns who transitioned into becoming staff members, to find out more about why they decided to apply for the available staff positions on offer and work with us: Former Volunteer Samantha Whillas and Former Intern Renu Bala.
Return to SAcommunity Volunteers, Interns and Partners
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