Browse the directory using the A-Z index of services - select the service that you want, then the organisations that provide the service will be displayed
- Aberfoyle Park Christadelphian Ecclesia
- Adare Uniting Church
- Adelaide Christian New Church
- Adelaide Korean Uniting Church
- Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of South Australia
- Adelaide Presbyterian Church
- Adelaide Presbyterian Church - Northern Suburbs
- Adelaide Progressive Jewish Congregation
- Adelaide Revival Fellowship - Woodcroft
- Ahmadiyya Muslim Association-Noor Mosque
- Aldinga Community Church
- All Nations Baptist Church
- All Saints Uniting Church - Plympton
- Almond Grove Family Church
- Anglican Church - Algate
- Anglican Church - Balaklava
- Anglican Church - Barmera
- Anglican Church - Cummins
- Anglican Church - Keith
- Anglican Church - Murray Bridge
- Anglican Church - Mylor
- Anglican Church - Para Hills
- Anglican Church - Port Pirie
- Anglican Church - St Peters
- Anglican Church of All Saints - Moonta
- Anglican Church of St Benedict - Minlaton
- Anglican Church of the Holy Redeemer
- Anglican Church of the Resurrection Loxton
- Anglican Diocese of Willochra
- Anglican Parish Of Gawler
- Anglican Parish of Port Lincoln
- Anglican Parish of Stirling
- Anglican Parish of the Barossa
- Arise Christian Church
- Ascot Community Uniting Church
- Ashbourne Uniting Church
- Athelstone Eucharistic Community
- Athelstone Uniting Church
- Baha'i Community - Marion
- Baha'i Community of Playford
- Baha'i Faith - Norwood, Payneham & St Peters
- Baha'i Faith - Onkaparinga Region
- Baha'i Faith - Walkerville
- Baha'i Public Information Office
- Balaklava Uniting Church
- Baptist Care SA - Adventure Camping Services
- Baptist Church - Aldinga Bay
- Baptist Church - Blackwood Hills
- Baptist Church - Christies Beach
- Baptist Church - Lyndoch
- Baptist Church - Mount Gambier
- Baptist Church - St Peters
- Barossa Christadelphians
- Barossa Community Church
- Base Church North
- Base Church South
- Bethel Family Church
- Bordertown Vineyard Christian Church
- Bridge Evangelical Christian Church
- Brighton Community Care
- Brighton/Marion Christian Ministers Association
- Broadview Baptist Church
- Broadview Uniting Church
- Brougham Place Uniting Church
- Burnside Family Church
- Bush Church Aid Society of Australia
- C3 Church Adelaide Hills
- C3 Church O'Halloran Hill
- Calvary Lutheran Church - Glandore
- Camden Baptist Church
- Campbelltown Uniting Church
- Catholic Church - Aberfoyle Park
- Catholic Church - Albert Park
- Catholic Church - Aldinga
- Catholic Church - Auburn
- Catholic Church - Balaklava
- Catholic Church - Barmera
- Catholic Church - Berri
- Catholic Church - Blackwood
- Catholic Church - Booleroo Centre
- Catholic Church - Bordertown
- Catholic Church - Bridgewater
- Catholic Church - Brighton
- Catholic Church - Burnside
- Catholic Church - Clare
- Catholic Church - Clearview
- Catholic Church - Collinswood
- Catholic Church - Cummins
- Catholic Church - Elliston
- Catholic Church - Findon
- Catholic Church - Freeling
- Catholic Church - Glenelg
- Catholic Church - Glengowrie
- Catholic Church - Goodwood
- Catholic Church - Greenacres
- Catholic Church - Hamley Bridge
- Catholic Church - Kangaroo Island
- Catholic Church - Kapunda
- Catholic Church - Kilburn
- Catholic Church - Lameroo
- Catholic Church - Lobethal
- Catholic Church - Lockleys
- Catholic Church - Macclesfield
- Catholic Church - Manoora
- Catholic Church - Marrabel
- Catholic Church - Mintaro
- Catholic Church - Moonta
- Catholic Church - Mount Barker
- Catholic Church - Mount Gambier
- Catholic Church - Newton
- Catholic Church - Normanville
- Catholic Church - North Adelaide
- Catholic Church - Nuriootpa
- Catholic Church - Parkside
- Catholic Church - Payneham
- Catholic Church - Pennington
- Catholic Church - Port Adelaide
- Catholic Church - Port Broughton
- Catholic Church - Port Wakefield
- Catholic Church - Prospect
- Catholic Church - Renmark
- Catholic Church - Richmond
- Catholic Church - Riverton
- Catholic Church - Saddleworth
- Catholic Church - Salisbury North
- Catholic Church - Seacombe Gardens
- Catholic Church - Semaphore
- Catholic Church - Sevenhill
- Catholic Church - St Marys
- Catholic Church - Stirling
- Catholic Church - Strathalbyn
- Catholic Church - Taperoo
- Catholic Church - Tea Tree Gully
- Catholic Church - Two Wells
- Catholic Church - Unley
- Catholic Church - Victor Harbor
- Catholic Church - Virginia
- Catholic Church - Waikerie
- Catholic Church - Whyalla
- Catholic Church - Whyalla Stuart
- Catholic Church - Yorketown
- Catholic Parish - Edwardstown
- Catholic Parish - Kapunda
- Cherry Gardens Uniting Church
- Chinese Christian Church of SA
- Christ Church - Yankalilla
- Christ Church Kapunda
- Christadelphians - Whyalla
- Christian Charismatic Renewal Inc
- Christian Community - A movement for Religious Renewal
- Christian Community Church - Roxby Downs
- Christian Freedom Ministries
- Christian Gospel Centre - Victor Harbor
- Christian Youth Camps of SA Inc.
- Church For You
- Church of Christ - Aldgate
- Church of Christ - Brooklyn Park
- Church of Christ - Elizabeth
- Church of Christ - Enfield Heights
- Church of Christ - Gawler
- Church of Christ - Happy Valley
- Church of Christ - Maylands
- Church of Christ - Mile End
- Church of Christ - Nailsworth
- Church of Christ - Noarlunga Centre
- Church of Christ - Seaford
- Church of Christ - Tumby Bay
- Church of Christ - Ungarra
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Onkaparinga
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Victor Harbor
- Church of St Mary the Virgin Wallaroo
- Church of the Holy Cross - Anglican
- CityReach Baptist Church - Oakden
- CityReach Baptist Church - West
- CityReach Marion Church
- Clarendon Uniting Church
- Clayton-Wesley Uniting Church
- Clovercrest Baptist Church
- Clovie Gawler - Campus of Clovercrest Baptist Church
- Coast & Vines Church
- Coastlands Church
- Community of Christ
- Concordia Kindergarten
- Concordia Lutheran Church, Loxton
- ConneXions Uniting Church
- Corner Uniting Church
- Coromandel Baptist Church
- Coromandel Valley Uniting Church
- Cowandilla Christian & Missionary Alliance Church of SA
- CRC Churches International - Barossa
- CRC Churches International - Christies Beach
- CRC Churches International - Mount Compass
- CRC Churches International - Mount Gambier
- CRC Churches International - Murray Bridge
- CRC Churches International - Nairne
- CRC Churches International - Port Augusta
- CRC Churches International - Seaford
- CRC Churches International - Seaton
- CRC Churches International - Sheidow Park
- CRC Churches International - Stirling
- CRC Churches International - Taperoo
- Crossroads a Church for the Lakes
- Dernancourt Uniting Church
- Echunga Uniting Church
- Edwardstown Baptist Church Community Centre
- Elizabeth Grove Uniting Church
- Elizabeth Spiritualist Church Inc.
- Emmanuel Christian Outreach Centre, Murray Bridge
- Emmanuel Community Church
- Empowered Christian Church
- Encounter Christian Fellowship
- Encounter Church Barmera
- Encounter Church Gawler
- Encounter Church Playford
- Enfield Baptist Church
- Enfield Christadelphian Ecclesia
- Enfield Uniting Church
- Eudunda Uniting Church
- Faith Lutheran Church - Warradale
- Finniss Community Church
- Flinders Street Baptist Church
- Forward in Faith Ministries Adelaide
- Free Serbian Orthodox Church Community School of St Sava - Hindmarsh Inc.
- Futures Church - Paradise
- Futures Church - Salisbury
- Gateway Baptist Church
- Gateway International Church
- Gawler Full Gospel Outreach Ministries
- Gawler Interchurch Council Inc.
- Gnostic Society Adelaide
- Golden Grove Lutheran Church
- Good News Lutheran Church - Albert Park
- Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Para Vista
- Goolwa Christian Fellowship
- Goolwa Uniting Church & Open Door Centre
- Gospel Lighthouse
- GracePoint at Christie’s
- Grange Baptist Church
- Grange Uniting Church
- Greek Orthodox Church - Prophet Elias
- Greek Orthodox Church - St Dimitrios
- Greek Orthodox Church - St Panteleimon
- Greek Orthodox Church - St Sophia
- Greek Orthodox Community of the Nativity of Christ
- Greek Orthodox Parish Community of St Anthony & Northern Suburbs
- Greenwith Uniting Church
- Grove Uniting Church
- Grow Church
- Hackham Baptist Family Church
- Hallett Cove Uniting Church
- Hamley Bridge Uniting Church
- Happy Valley Baptist Church
- Happy Valley Christadelphian Ecclesia
- Harvest Australia Church
- Healinglife Church
- Hindu Society of SA
- Holdfast Baptist Church
- Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Paringa
- Holy Evangelists Anglican Church - Goolwa
- Holy Innocents Anglican Church
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church - Kingston
- Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Nuriootpa
- Hope Church Adelaide
- Immanuel Lutheran Church - Kadina
- Impact Christian Church
- Impact Church - Barossa
- Ingle Farm Baptist Church
- ISKCON Adelaide
- Islamic Arabic Centre & Al Khalil Mosque
- Islamic Community Milli Görüş - Adelaide
- Islamic Society of SA
- Islamic Society of SA - Masjid Abu Bakr Assiddiq
- Islamic Society of SA - Masjid Omar Bin Alkhattab
- Islamic Society of SA - Mount Gambier Mosque
- Islamic Society of SA - Murray Bridge Mosque
- Islamic Society of SA - Whyalla Mosque
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Barossa Valley
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Davoren Park
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Enfield Congregation
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Glenelg Congregation
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Hackham
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Happy Valley
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Kangaroo Island
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Mount Barker
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Newton
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Whyalla
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Windsor Gardens Congregation
- Jerusalem Uniting Church - Kadina
- Jesus Family Church - Burmese and Zomi services
- Kadina Church of Christ
- Kadina Wesley Uniting Church
- Kangarilla Uniting Church
- Kapunda Uniting Church
- Kings Community Church
- Kingscote Anglican Church - St Alban's
- Kingscote Uniting Church
- Korean Presbyterian Church of Adelaide
- Lefevre Uniting Church - Taperoo
- Liberty Church - Mount Gambier
- LIFE Adelaide
- Life Christian Centre
- Life Unlimited Church Whyalla
- LifeHouse Church Adelaide
- Light Church Edithburgh
- Light Community Church
- Lighthouse Church Port Pirie Uniting
- Lighthouse Community Church
- Lipson Uniting Church
- Lithuanian Caritas Inc
- Little Town Productions
- Living Water Christian Retreat
- Living Word Bible Church
- Lobethal Lutheran Church
- Local Spiritual Assembly of Alexandrina
- Loxton Uniting Church
- Lutheran Church - Salem Evangelical
- Lutheran Church - Angaston Zion
- Lutheran Church - Bethany
- Lutheran Church - Dutton
- Lutheran Church - Gomersal, Bethlehem, Schoenborn
- Lutheran Church - Karoonda
- Lutheran Church - Keyneton
- Lutheran Church - Loxton
- Lutheran Church - Moculta Holy Cross Gruenberg
- Lutheran Church - Roxby Downs
- Lutheran Church - Salisbury
- Lutheran Church - Springton St Johns
- Lutheran Church - Strathalbyn
- Lutheran Church - Tanunda Tabor
- Lutheran Church - Truro Immanuel
- Lutheran Church - Two Wells
- Lutheran Church - Victor Harbor
- Lutheran Church - Yankalilla
- Lyndoch Lutheran Church
- Macclesfield Uniting Church
- Macedonian Orthodox Church
- Mallala Uniting Church
- Mannum River Word Christian Centre
- Marion Uniting Church
- Marion-Warradale Uniting Church
- Maronite Community of SA
- Mawson Lakes Community Church
- Millicent Community Church
- Moonta Mines Uniting Church
- Moonta Uniting Church
- Morialta Uniting Church & Community Centre
- Morphett Vale Parish Catholic Churches
- Mount Barker Baptist Church
- Mount Barker Church of Christ
- Mount Barker Presbyterian Church
- Mount Gambier Christian Centre
- Mount Gambier Revival Fellowship
- Murray Bridge Christadelphian Community
- Murray Valley Lutheran Community
- Murray Valley Lutheran Community - Holy Cross Murray Bridge
- Nain Lutheran Church
- Nairne Uniting Church
- New Community Church
- New Life Christian Community Centre - Port Augusta
- Noarlunga Uniting Church
- Northside Baptist Church - Para Vista
- Northwestern Community Church
- Nova Church Adelaide City
- Old Noarlunga Uniting Church
- One Church - Keith
- One Heart Church
- ONE Life Church
- Online Bible Study Centre
- Open Door Baptist Church
- Our Saviour Lutheran Church
- Our Saviour Lutheran Church - Semaphore
- Our Saviour's Lutheran Church - Port Lincoln
- Parkside Baptist Church
- Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church - Nuriootpa
- Penneshaw Anglican Church - St Columba's
- Pentecostal Revival Church
- Pilgrim Lutheran Church - Magill
- Playford Baptist Church Inc.
- Playford Uniting Church
- Port Augusta Gospel Chapel
- Port Broughton Uniting Church
- Port Church
- Port Elliot-Goolwa Anglican
- Port Wakefield Uniting Church
- Portlife Church
- Potters House Christian Church Elizabeth
- Presbyterian Church - Norwood
- Presbyterian Church - Port Augusta
- Presbyterian Church - Whyalla
- Presbyterian Church of SA
- Prospect Road Uniting Church
- Redeemer Lutheran Church - Goolwa
- Regnum Marianum Catholic Hungarian Church
- Renmark Anglican Church
- Renmark Turkish Islamic Society of SA - Renmark Mosque
- Renmark Uniting Church
- Restoration Church Strathalbyn
- Riverdell Spiritual Centre
- Rostrevor Baptist Church
- Rostrevor Baptist Church Community Centre
- Russian Orthodox Church - St. Nicholas Parish
- Salisbury Catholic Parish Archdiocese of Adelaide
- Salvation Army - Noarlunga
- Salvation Army - Peterborough
- Salvation Army SA
- Schools Ministry Group
- Seaford Christian Churches
- Seaford Lutheran Church
- Seaford Uniting Church
- Seeds Uniting Church - Aberfoyle Park
- Semaphore Park Baptist Church
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Barossa Valley
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Birdwood
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Brighton
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - College Park
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Elizabeth
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Fleurieu Central
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Grove
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Melrose Park
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Morphett Vale
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Port Augusta
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Port Lincoln
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Port Pirie
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Prospect
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Queenstown
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Riverland
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Trinity Gardens
- Seventh-day Adventist Church - Whyalla
- Seventh-day Adventist Church SA Conference Ltd
- Shree Swaminarayan Temple Adelaide
- Significance Church
- Slavic Evangelical Baptist Church
- Slavic Pentecostal Church Queenstown
- South Adelaide Christadelphians
- South Australian Zhu-Lin Buddhist Association
- South-West Baptist Church
- Southcoast Christian Church
- Southern Cross Rodnovery
- Southern Life Christian Church
- Southland Church
- Southpoint Church of Christ
- Spicer Uniting Church - St Peters
- Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Port Adelaide Enfield
- Spiritual Mission of Noarlunga
- St Agnes Anglican Church
- St Aidan's Anglican Church
- St Alban's Anglican Church - Largs Bay
- St Andrews by the Sea Uniting Church, Glenelg
- St Andrews Greek Orthodox Church
- St Andrews Uniting Church - Strathalbyn
- St Ann's Anglican Church - Aldinga
- St Augustine's Anglican Church Unley
- St Barbara's Anglican Church, Parafield Gardens
- St Barnabas Anglican Church - Clare
- St Barnabas Anglican Church - Croydon
- St Bart's Norwood
- St Bede's Anglican Church - Semaphore
- St Chad's Anglican Church - Fullarton
- St Christopher's Anglican Church - Kilburn
- St Christopher's Anglican Church - Mount Compass
- St Clement's Anglican Church - Blair Athol
- St Cuthbert's Anglican Church
- St Cyprians Anglican Church - North Adelaide
- St David's Anglican Church Burnside
- St Francis of Assisi Anglican Church - Clarence Gardens
- St Francis Xavier's Cathedral
- St George Greek Orthodox Church
- St George's Anglican Church - Gawler
- St George's Anglican Church - Magill
- St George's Anglican Church Goodwood
- St Giles Presbyterian Church - Norwood
- St Hilary of Poitiers Anglican Church
- St Ignatius' Catholic Parish - Norwood
- St James Anglican Church - Blakiston
- St James Anglican Church - Delamere
- St James Anglican Church - Mile End
- St James Lutheran Church - Whyalla
- St James the Less Church - Mt Barker Strathalbyn Catholic Parish
- St John the Baptist Anglican Church Macclesfield
- St John's Anglican Church - Adelaide
- St John's Anglican Church - Norton Summit
- St John's Anglican Church Salisbury
- St John's Lutheran Church - Mount Compass
- St John's Lutheran Church - Tanunda
- St Luke's & Seaford Catholic Churches
- St Margaret's Anglican Church - McLaren Vale
- St Margaret's Anglican Church - Tumby Bay
- St Margaret's Anglican Church - Woodville
- St Martin Anglican Church - Whyalla
- St Martin's Lutheran College
- St Mary's Anglican Church - Echunga
- St Marys Anglican Church
- St Matthew's Anglican Church
- St Matthew's Anglican Church - Hamilton
- St Michael & All Angels Anglican Church
- St Michael's Lutheran Church - Hahndorf
- St Michaels Lutheran Church - Gnadenfrei
- St Nicholas Anglican Church - Seaford
- St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church - Thebarton
- St Nicholas Romanian Orthodox Parish of Adelaide SA
- St Oswald's Anglican Church
- St Paul Lutheran Church - Blair Athol
- St Paul's Anglican Church - Montacute
- St Paul's Anglican Church - Port Adelaide
- St Paul's Anglican Church - Two Wells
- St Paul's Lutheran Church & Hall - Hahndorf
- St Paul's Lutheran Church - Barmera
- St Paul's Lutheran Church - Booleroo Centre
- St Paul's Lutheran Church - Ferryden Park
- St Paul's Lutheran Church - Maitland
- St Paul's Lutheran Church - McLaren Vale
- St Paul's Lutheran Church - Yorketown
- St Peter Claver's Church - Dulwich
- St Peter's Anglican Church - Mallala
- St Peter's Holy Name Catholic Church
- St Peters Anglican Church, Robe
- St Peters Lutheran Church - Greenock
- St Peters Lutheran Church, Callington
- St Petri Lutheran Church - Eden Valley
- St Richard of Chichester Anglican Church - Lockleys
- St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Woodville Park Inc.
- St Therese Catholic Church - Colonel Light Gardens
- St. Augustine's Anglican Church, Parish of the South Coast
- Stables Christian Centre
- Sunset Rock Church
- Tatiara Ministers Association
- Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church
- Teen Challenge SA
- The Salvation Army Parafield Gardens
- Thuruna Uniting Church Campsite
- Trinity Church Adelaide
- Trinity Church Aldgate
- Trinity Church Brighton
- Trinity Church Golden Grove
- Trinity Church Modbury
- Trinity Church Victor Harbor
- Trinity Lutheran Church - Port Augusta
- Trinity Lutheran Church - Rosedale
- Trinity Lutheran Church - Spring Head
- Trinity Uniting Church - Alberton
- Ukrainian Orthodox Church St Michaels - Croydon
- United Church - Royal Park
- United Pentecostal Church - Port Lincoln
- Uniting Church - Angaston
- Uniting Church - Bridgewater
- Uniting Church - Brighton
- Uniting Church - Clare
- Uniting Church - Cowell
- Uniting Church - Croydon Park
- Uniting Church - Delamere
- Uniting Church - Greenock
- Uniting Church - Karoonda
- Uniting Church - McLaren Vale
- Uniting Church - Meadows
- Uniting Church - Nuriootpa/Tanunda
- Uniting Church - Para Hills
- Uniting Church - Salisbury
- Uniting Church - Seaton
- Uniting Church - Semaphore
- Uniting Church - Summertown
- Uniting Church - Two Wells
- Uniting Church - Western Link
- Uniting Church - Windsor Gardens
- Uniting Church - Woodside
- Uniting Church - Woodville
- Uniting Church - Yankalilla
- Uniting Church Port Augusta
- Unley Christian Chapel
- Victor Harbor Church of Christ Inc.
- Victorious Church Renmark
- Victory Life Church Ltd - Aberfoyle Park
- Vine Community Church
- Vines Uniting Church
- Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia - SA Chapter
- Waikerie Anglican Church
- Wandeen Fellowship Centre
- Waypoint Uniting Church - Parafield Gardens
- Waypoint Uniting Church - Paralowie
- Wayville Baptist Church Inc.
- Wesley Uniting Church
- Western Fleurieu Anglican Mission Partnership
- Whyalla Christian Ministers Association
- Williamstown Garden Club
- Willunga Uniting Church
- Woodcroft Christian Centre
- Yorketown Uniting Church
- Zion Lutheran Church - Berri Barmera
- Zion Lutheran Church - Glynde
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